Ann & Rosie, Carlisle

Someone rang me one day asking if I could take Rosie, a Staffordshire / Patterdale cross, to the Animal Refuge as her owner had serious social problems and was unable to give Rosie the care she needed.
On meeting Rosie I know immediately I couldn’t face taking her to the Refuge and headed straight home with her. However it soon became apparent that Rosie had problems too which wasn’t going to be overcome without professional help.

I found Dogs Listen Up on the internet and found one of Brian’s 12 week courses. Rosie responded very quickly to Brian’s method of training and soon became a popular pupil with Brian and his team. I soon found to my amazement how quickly it is to achieve such good results when you know the right techniques of training, and was even more impressed with the calm approach Brian had to achieving these techniques, Very Impressive.

I can’t thank Brian enough for his help and guidance in training Rosie and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to anyone seeking professional help with training their dog. Thanks Brian